Impact Of Composting On The Physical Factors Of Municipal Solid Waste Materials With Organic Additives In Ihiala Anambra State

ABSTRACT Nowadays, solid waste disposal is the most pressing problem facing mankind throughout the world and its management is presently an issue of global concern. The present study was designed to evaluate the impact of composting on the physical factors of compost from Municipal solid waste with organic additives in Ihiala local Government Area, Anambra...
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ABSTRACT The potentials of filamentous fungi as bioaccumulating agents of heavy metal toxicants in soil or aquatic ecosystems have been widely documented as better and efficient option for bioremediation technique. This study was undertaken to isolate, screen and identify multi – metal resistant fungi isolated from biogas slurry samples. Water samples were collected, fungi strains...
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ABSTRACT The increase in human population, activities and fast industrialization have results into severe pollution of water bodies and consequently on different aquatic lives. This study was undertaken to compare the physicochemical data of textile and paper and paper industrial effluents discharge with the Federal Environment Protection Agency (FEPA) as well as International (world Health...
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 ABSTRACT Composting municipal solid waste is a viable organic waste management strategy, and with the potential to enhance waste management system. However, a conventional composting is rarely applied due to the longer time consumed to reach maturity phase. The present study was undertaken to investigate the compost maturity and germination index profile of composted municipal...
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ABSTRACT In Nigeria, mosquitos are transmitting several important human disease etiological agents, including malaria, and causing thousand of death every year. Mosquito control is based mostly on chemical insecticides which may be toxic and cause environmental deprivation. The objective of this study is to evaluate the hematological and larvicidal potentials of Bacillus thuringiensis and Bacillus...
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ABSTRACT Streptococcus suis; a dominant specie found in pigs and environs, has been receiving drastic attention not only in causing human infections, but also for its involvement in antibiotic resistance, of which 80% of this resistant genes are encoded in the plasmid. This study was undertaken to evaluate the multiple antibiotic resistance indices of Streptococcus...
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ABSTRACT Studies have shown that multi-dung resistant Vibrio species is a well-recognized and documented problem worldwide especially in the developing countries, and the gene associated with this resistance are encoded in the plasmid. This study was carried out to evaluate the effect of Xylopia aethiopica extract on different strains of Vibrio species. Samples were drawn...
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ABSTRACT Callosobruchus maculatus (Fab.) is a significant field-to-store pest that causes quantitative and qualitative losses in stored cowpea. Management of this pest has primarily relied on synthetic pesticides, which are associated with severe health risks, including fatalities. In view of the recent increased interest in developing biopesticides as an alternative to synthetic pesticides, this study...
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